Hybrid Druid/Bard Guide

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// by 吟遊詩人の星 - Last update 30th DEC 09'


Author's Note

Since i played another version of ECO which is much more advance SAGA compare to current English ECO, some part of this guide still not implemented yet. But you can just use this guide and save the points and use it after it's implementation. (December 5, 2009)

Im not English speaking person and not rise with English speaking community, sorry for the poor English and feel free to edit my language mistake

- 吟遊詩人の星


Vates is a Spell User class that specializes in harnessing the power of the Light Property. But since they lack offensive skills at the beginning of the game, you will always need to find party for leveling, and it's the best way for you to level as most of other jobs are always looking for Vates to aid them. This guide will make you able to solo at your mid level just in case you're unable to get any party.

Job path - Vates --> Druid --> Bard <--> Druid

This guide is created according to my character which is a Titania, so it's suitable if you choose Titania as your race, however you still can use it on Emil or Dominion, just the stats maybe will be slightly different, but it's not much to affect your character.

Status Build

Since this is an Hybrid that can support your party and also can fight your enemies, you will need some DEX for your casting speed, avarage VIT for you to survive few hits and many MAG for your magic damage. MAG>VIT>DEX

(don't add STR, INT, AGI. Those status are useless for this build)

Level 30

  • DEX - 5
  • VIT - 35
  • MAG - 30

Level 50

  • DEX - 20
  • VIT - 35
  • MAG - 65

Level 90

  • DEX - 35
  • VIT - 80
  • MAG - 100

After 90

  • DEX - 35+ (you can stop at this point or add more, depend on you)
  • INT - 0+
  • VIT - 100
  • MAG - 100

Notes: **Maxed your VIT and MAG first, then there will be some extra stats point, you can add the rest into DEX for more casting speed, or INT for Minimum M.ATK and M.DEF.

PvP Build (PvP or Knight Training Mode) here i suggest you add more DEX, so give you shorter time to cast your magic. But of course, if you follow the build above, it's for general and still able to PvP

Level 90

  • DEX - 55
  • VIT - 80
  • MAG - 90

After 90

  • DEX - 70+
  • VIT - 90+
  • MAG - 90+

Notes: **You can add the rest into DEX for more casting speed.

see also Stat Formulas to calculate your casting speed in real time.

Play as a Vates

Approximately you will change job at Base Level 50~55 and make sure you change job at your Job Level 50. As Vates, it's really hard for you to play alone, it's always recommended for you to get a party. Most of the time, you will just heal your party members.

Required Skills

The required skills is the skill where you must learn, and if you follow this guide, your skill points are just enough to learn all the skill i listed without any balance.
You can learn more skill if you have done certain of quest that give you extra skill points as a reward. Learn How to get Extra Skill Points.
Icon Job Level Name Max Level Notes
Heal.gif 1 Heal 5 Your very important skill, the most reason why you wanna be a Vates, Max it.
Generic Skill.gif 5 Increase MP Regeneration 5 Get it until level 4, then save your skill points for another skill in the future. If you have done quest that give you extra skill point, then max it.
Holy Light.gif 6 Holy Bolt 5 Max it, your only offensive skill for non-undead monsters. OR you also can learn this until level 4 only and max your Increase MP Regeneration instead. OR get extra skill point so you can max both skills
Resurrection.gif 30 Resurrection 5 Important skill, Max it. Higher level will resurrect with more HP and shorter delay.
Holy Shield.gif 32 Holy Shield 5 A good skill to use at certain place. Max it
Holy Weapon.gif 35 Holy Weapon 5 A good skill to use at certain place. Max it
Turn Undead.gif 40 Turn Undead 5 Very strong but only against undead, and also a synergy skill with your Druid's Celestial Light. Max it
Holy Globe.gif 50 Holy Globe 5 The must have skill, the only reason why you need level till job 50. MAX IT. This skill kinda hard to use, but it's very strong if you can use it correctly and easy once you get used to it. Practice how to use this skill. It's able to hit monsters up to 5 times. Once you get this skill, you will able to solo, but party is always recommended and more fun. Learn how to Globe. Thanks to Yukichan for the guide.

Extra Skills

The extra skill you can decide to learn or not to learn them, it's up to you. BUT Don't learn this extra skill if you don't have extra skill points. There is up to 21 extra skill points for Vates

Icon Job Level Name Max Level Notes
Resist Petrify.gifPoison Resist.gifSlow Resist.gifSilence Resist.gifConfusion Resist.gifSleep Resist.gifFreeze Resist.gif 14~34 (Seven) Increase Resistance 5 Learn all at level 1. Decreases the chance of ailments according to the resistance type skill. But all this skill can be replace with one Druid's Purify (Increase All Resistance) skill, but you only able to get that skill at late of the game (Druid job 47). It's ok to have this skill but reset your skills once you get Druid's All resistance skill
Generic Skill.gif 3 Increase Maximum MP 5 Increase your Max MP, and also the regeneration value in every second. Max it if you got extra skill point. You wont able to get this if you learn the resistance skill. OR you can get this and learn only some of the resistance.
Generic Skill.gif 12 Undead Knowledge 1 Get this if you don't want to learn the resistance. Who know you might get good drops from this skill.
At job level 50, you can change into a Druid. congratulation.

Play as a Druid

As a Druid, you can start to solo with your Holy Globe, and Holy Feather really come in handy. In party, you will always, Heal and buffing such as Holy Feather and Vital or Mental Rousing. The All Resistance skill is useful too at certain place to get some abnormal resistance but not completely prevent it. Goddess Blessing is here to do the job where it's can Heal and also Cure abnormal status.

Required Skills

The required skills is the very important skill. After you learn all these skill, you will have some extra skill point.
Icon Job Level Name Max Level Notes
Ales.gif 20 Goddess Blessing 10 Heal and cure. Very good skill, max it, And bring it to Bard if you switch.
Clairvoyance.gif 23 Clairvoyance 1 Detect hidden enemy, specially scout (enemy don't know you can see them). Very useful for PvP, learn it if you want PvP and bring it to Bard if you switch.
Holy Feather.gif 25 Holy Feather 5 No more afraid of no MP/SP. Very good skill, max it, And bring it to Bard if you switch.
Rouse Body.gif 28 Vital Rousing 5 Buff for warrior, max this skill
Rouse Mental.gif 33 Mental Rousing 5 Buff for spell user, max this skill
Area Heal.gif 45 Inspiration 5 Restore the HP of characters in the 3x3 area, smaller radius but can be used on any ground and stronger heal. max this
Purana.gif 47 Increase All Resistance 5 Increases resistance against all abnormal status effects. max this

Extra Skills

Those skill might useful if you end up as a Druid, because you will have more skill points and able to learn more.
Icon Job Level Name Max Level Notes
Holy Power Circle.gif 10 Holy Circle 5 Change the 5x5 radius on the ground into light attribute. To be used with Warmth skill. (also some other use that no so important)
Sunlight Shower.gif 15 Warmth 5 Your early AoE heal skill, wider AoE 7x7 (3x3 if used while in Spiritual Possession), but lesser heal and can be only used on Light Attribute ground.
Generic Skill.gif 35 Druid Spirit 1 Increase your host capabilities, Good to have, but not really important, since you high M.ATK and you need to possess on weapon to maximize your host M.ATK
Generic Skill.gif 35 Possession Acceleration 5 Shortens the amount of time it takes to possess. As it say, not really important.

Skill to bring over after you change to Bard

- you can bring up to 5 skills if you switch at Jlvl 50
- 3 more slots, it's up to you

Notes: Why i leave 3 slots, and it's up to you? because i don't know which way you prefer to play.

  • Some peoples bring Increase All Resistance, Vital Rousing, Mental Rousing, because they not going to PvP.
  • Some peoples bring Vital Rousing, Mental Rousing, Clairvoyance, no need Increase All Resistance because they think they can keep cure the abnormal status (as the abnormal status itself not 100% to be effected).
  • Some bring Clairvoyance, Increase All Resistance, Inspiration because they think those 3 much more important.
  • Some bring Clairvoyance, Increase All Resistance, Vital Rousing, they think Vital much more important than Mental.

Play as a Bard

(coming soon)

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