Catty (Kuro)

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Picture of Catty (Kuro)

Catty (Kuro), or Catty (Black), is the final quest-obtainable catty pets. She is considered one of the most powerful Catties, and is notable for wielding a weapon (a rapier) as well as for being a Dominion catty. To get a Catty (Kuro) you have to complete a long quest.


Method of Obtaining


  • Completed both Catty (Momo) and Catty (Shiro) quests.
  • Completed Saga 8's storyline up until meeting the Mysterious Boy and Silk Gate.
  • Have all quest-obtained Catties in your inventory.
    • You do not have to complete the quests of all Catties. Catties obtained from a trade or from a golem are also acceptable.
  • Your Catty (Shin Midori) must not be awakened; that is, she must be able to talk (cannot cast skills except heal). If your Shin Midori is awakened, you can reverse her awakening at the Black Church at Uptown.
  • Equip a Catty along the quest.
  • Bring 1 Timber, 1 Glue, and 1 Sandpaper.

Important Notes

  • While it is said in the Japanese wiki that you need to have all non-IM Catties (all Catties except Old Midori, Mi-Ke, Tora, Alice, and Frill), some people report that they are able to complete Kuro's quest only by having Momo and Shiro.
  • You need a sizeable amount of gold in order to travel between Day and Night in the Dominion World.


  1. Equip Catty (Shin Midori) and head to the Resistance Headquarters at West Fort. (Do not bring possessions with you)
  2. Speak with the Resistance Leader.
  3. Go to Bluffsky's House. At the end of the leftmost cave, speak to the Mysterious Boy (DEM).
  4. At Battleship Island (Night), speak with the Dark Fairy. Your HP will be reduced to 1.
  5. Return to West Fort and search the Trash Can near Symbol 5 to obtain a Broken Harp. (Reminiscent of Catty (Momo)'s quest)
  6. Go back to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit.
  7. At West Fort, speak to the Wandering Minstrel near the exit. He will fix the Broken Harp using the Timber, Glue, and Sandpaper. (Reminiscent of Catty (Ai)'s quest)
  8. Return to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit.
  9. At West Fort, speak with the Apprentice Resistance Boy at the bottom of the stairs. Afterward, speak with the Appraiser. Then, speak with the Corrupt Merchant Kusuka. You will be presented with a choice regarding money, but either one has the same result. (Reminiscent of Catty (Yamabuki)'s quest)
  10. Once you've obtained Najit's Watch, return to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit. She will give you a Map.
  11. Go to West Fort's Symbol 6 and use the Worn-Out Map. Talk to Miu, and you will be warped afterward.
  12. At Bluffsky's House, talk with Miu. After a short event, head to the back of the bedroom to present the "correct answer". You will be transported automatically to Hell Desert (Night). Speak with Miu again. (Reminiscent of Catty (Kurumi & Wakana)'s quest)
  13. Go to West Fort and speak with the Injured Man to receive a Dirty Box.
  14. Go to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit again.
  15. Return to West Fort and speak with Dr. Stein, who will give you Stein's Box.
  16. Gather the pieces of Najit's soul using Stein's Box. (Reminiscent of Catty (Shin Midori)'s quest)
    • Locations are West Fort, Sky Tower (Dominion), and Hell Desert (Night and Day).
  1. Go back to Battleship Island (Night) and give Stein's Box to Najit. (Reminiscent of Catty (Anzu)'s quest)
  2. At West Fort, speak with Dr. Stein. You may choose one of the Catties' human forms (Midori not included). Afterward, you will receive Stein's Medicine. (Reminiscent of Catty (Sora)'s quest)
  3. Go back to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit. (You will be restored to your original form)
  4. Go to around the middle of West Fort and speak with Lat, who will give you a letter to his little sister.
  5. Return to Najit at Battleship Night and give her the letter.
  6. Go to West Fort's Silk Gate and speak with Supplier Doga. Ask him to help you (「ヘルプ・ミー!ドガ!(イベント)」 Help Me! Doga! [Event]) and speak with him again.
  7. You will be sent to Step Canyon (Dream). Go to the northeast of the map and clear out the flower. Be careful of the monsters, as they aggro. They will disappear after clicking the flower. You may use the Help me! Doga! item, which will disappear after obtaining the flower and returning to West Fort. (Reminiscent of Catty (Shiro)'s quest)
  8. At West Fort, speak with Lat and give him the Flower of Oblivion. (Reminiscent of Catty (Sumire)'s quest)
  9. Go to Battleship Island (Night) and speak with Najit twice.
  10. Speak with Najit twice again.
  11. At Step Canyon (Reminiscence), check the rock by Kuro.
  12. Speak once again to Najit to return to Battleship Island (Night).
  13. Speak to Najit.
  14. Go to the Resistance Headquarters at West Fort and speak to the Resistance Leader.
  15. Go to Sky Tower (Dominion) and speak to Merchant Yorozu.
  16. Go to Sky Tower (Dominion Night) and speak to the DEM near the Weapon Shop.
  17. You'll be sent to Battleship Island (Night). After the dialogue, you will receive Catty (Kuro). (Reminiscent of Catty (Akane)'s quest)

Congratulations, you now have Catty (Kuro)!

As a bonus, speak to the Seamstress at Uptown to get Kuro's Brooch (neck accessory).

Combat Information

Catty (Kuro) artwork


  • Heal
  • Blazing Spirit Sword
  • Concentration
  • Life Absorption
  • High Guard
  • Black Widow

Attribute Bonuses

As with all Catty's, a player with a Catty (Anzu) equipped will receive the following Attribute bonuses:


Field Basic Stat + Growth Stat
HP 240 + 1800
ATK 10 + 30
M.ATK 30 + 90
DEF 3 + 155
M.DEF 10 + 90
S.DEX 34 + 102
L.DEX 20 + 60
M.DEX 100 + 300
S.AGI 60 + 180
L.AGI 20 + 60
M.RST 120 + 360
CRIT 20 + 60
PAYL 50 + none
CAP 50 + none


  • In her Item Mall outfits, Kuro is often given masculine or elegant clothing.
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